
Exciting news from Law Partners – International Companies

Honorary Citizenship through the Vanuatu Development Support Program. We are pleased to share that Law Partners are now a government authorised agent to assist individuals and families achieve Honorary Citizenship through the Vanuatu Development Support Program (DSP).

Island Spirit – Issue 89

Vanuatu is a highly attractive option for many to live and conduct business with the beautiful weather, amazing people, and no income tax. As one of Vanuatu’s leading chartered accountants and business advisors, at Law Partners, we are geared to helping both new businesses establish themselves here,…

Less Stress Plus A Better Lifestyle – A Vanuatu Formula

Article in Island Spirit Magazine – Issue 85 – January – March 2019By Tony Wilson THERE are many reasons so many of us choose to call Vanuatu home. Some come for the laid back lifestyle, others the weather and some to simply enjoy the unique culture.    Vanuatu has long been heralded for…

VIPA Changes – When to apply for a variation

If you have a VIPA certificate for your Vanuatu activities, you should know that it is renewable every year on its anniversary date. Did you know that if you plan to make changes to your business, you may be required to apply for a VIPA variation? If you plan to: Include a new shareholder…

Important – Local Vanuatu Company Must Have A Resident Natural Person Director

Attention: The Directors There has been a recent Amendment to the Companies Act No 25 introducing the requirement for at least one director to be a natural person who ordinarily resides in Vanuatu, i.e. holds a Residency Visa (or citizenship). If your directorship meets the above requirement, please…

Annual Wik Blong Vanuatu in New Caledonia

Law Partners was pleased to take part in this annual showcase of Vanuatu, held in Noumea every November.